Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
日前,盛伦物流集团与专业的人力资源管理系统服务商名才eHR达成合作,将基于一站式人力资源管理云平台 —— 名才eHR,为盛伦物流提供人力资源管理一体化解决方案,加速盛伦在人力资源管理网络数字化的转型。
上海仁力名才软件有限公司(中文简称:名才eHR; 英文简称:MCHR)是专注于为大中型企业提供一站式人力资源管理信息化解决方案的服务商,并拥有业界独立完整的相关资质和等级证书。MCHR基于创新的软件技术,打造了一站式人力资源管理云平台——名才eHR,可覆盖企业员工选用育留、绩效福利、组织架构等全生命周期管理功能的实现,同时可满足集团型企业个性化、多样化及复杂化的定制需求。名才eHR已成功服务于多家《财富》世界500强和知名上市公司,成为人力资源领军品牌。
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