Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
虽然身在异国他乡,不能与国同庆,唯有通过歌声向祖国母亲表达我们最真挚的祝福。“歌唱我们亲爱的祖国,从今走向繁荣富强……” 伴着《歌唱祖国》熟悉的旋律,我们的歌声和祝福将越过高山,越过平原,跨过奔腾的黄河长江……
“祝你生日快乐,祝你生日快乐…… ” ,伴随着熟悉的生日歌,三位“寿星”许下了美好的愿望。一张张年轻的脸庞在相互的祝福中绽开了灿烂的笑容。烛光摇曳,歌声飘扬,红色的蛋糕伴随着我们对祖国的祝福将生日会推向高潮!
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