Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Founded in 2001, Sunline International Logistics Group (referred to as “Shenglun Logistics”) has become the pioneer of Chinese logistics supply chain enterprises to sail overseas under the guidance of “The Belt and the Road” initiative and with "international development" and "supply chain construction" as the development direction.
Our Business
盛伦赞比亚成立于2008年,注册于赞比亚基特韦市,作为赞比亚最早获得清关资质的中资物流企业,为广大客户提供包括清关服务、保税仓储、跨境运输等在内的综合性物流服务。 赞比亚公司在铜带省拥有11万平中转物流中心,和赞比亚第一大中资运输车队,现有硫酸车辆32台、平板车辆60台,专注于金属国际物流和刚赞跨境运输,主要运输产品包括粗铜、电铜、铜精矿、钴精矿、铜钴合金、锰矿等金属产品和生石灰、焦亚硫酸钠等大宗生产辅料,以及包括浓硫酸和稀硫酸在内的化工产品。
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